Brand Architecture System

The primary objective of having a brand architecture system is to provide clarity about the Berkeley brand and to help standardize its application. We’ve strategically evolved the university’s identity mark system for a more cohesive image and experience, and we’ve created functional guidelines for developing logo lockups and other visual applications.

A lockup is a design that visually indicates the relationship between your unit and the larger university brand. Rather than creating a unique “logo” for your unit—which leads to confusion and a diluted brand image—use this brand architecture system to “lock up” your unit with the Berkeley logo. All unit lockups must be produced by the Office of Communications & Public Affairs. To request a logo lockup, please email us at

We’ve created a system that:

  • Looks uniform across all the institution’s diverse entities.

  • Helps schools, colleges and units create lockups that clearly identify their relationship with the university.

  • Works flexibly with various applications and size constraints.

  • Allows for multiple layers of information.

  • Shows how more independent entities relate to the university

Not all departmental programs or activities should have a branded logo or lockup. There are cases when having a branded lockup is detrimental to the greater university brand. 

Master brand

The Berkeley logo is our main identifying element: the singular expression of the university’s mission, brand positioning and personality. It represents our brand at the highest level. 

Image of the UC Berkeley logo

Primary sub-brands

These core entities directly support and further the university’s mission and positioning. They must always be deliberately and consistently tied to the Berkeley wordmark to reinforce the master brand. There are two categories of primary sub-brands: academic and administrative. Both categories use the same lockup structure with the Berkeley logo, and both have formal and informal versions. For legibility and simplicity, the University of California endorser line does not appear in our sub-brand lockups.

Academic colleges and schools 

Examples include:

College of Letters & Science 
School of Social Welfare 
College of Environmental Design 
College of Chemistry 
College of Engineering 
School of Optometry 
College of Natural Resources 
School of Information 
Berkeley School of Education
School of Law
Haas School of Business 
School of Journalism 
School of Public Health
Goldman School of Public Policy 

Administrative offices, divisions and initiatives 

Examples include: 

Office of the Chancellor 
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost 
Graduate Division 
UC Berkeley Extension 
Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance 
Equity & Inclusion
Real Estate 
Student Affairs 
Undergraduate Education 
University Development and Alumni Relations 
Berkeley Library Arts + Design

Formal lockup

Our formal lockups always use the full name of our primary sub-brand entities, including the descriptor “College of” or “Office of.” These lockups are always set on two lines for consistency. Line breaks should occur after the descriptor, except in cases of names longer than five words. The names should break in the most appropriate spot to balance the length of the two lines. Note that some entities, such as Research, will not have a formal version.

Use formal lockups: 

  • On formal invitations

  • On diplomas and official documents

This image shows three examples of  the formal style of UC Berkeley logo lockups

Informal lockup

Informal lockups pair the more commonly used name of the primary sub-brand with the Berkeley logo. These lockups represent how most entities are referred to in conversation. These lockups are usually one line, but may break to two lines when the name exceeds 20 characters. Note that some entities, such as the Office of the Chancellor, will not have an informal version.

Use informal lockups: 

  • On web headers

  • On promotional collateral and advertising

  • On informal event flyers and invitations

This image shows three examples of informal style UC Berkeley logo lockups

Secondary sub-brands

These entities directly align with a single academic college or school, or with a non-academic division or office, to further the university’s mission. They exist to expand on the work of the primary sub-brand they’re affiliated with. There are two categories of primary sub-brands: academic and nonacademic. Both categories use the same lockup structure. For legibility and simplicity, the University of California endorser line does not appear in our sub-brand lockups. Omit primary sub-brand endorser line for web header applications.

Academic departments 

Academic departments are aligned with a single college or school. They exist to support both the university’s mission and the work of the college or school that contains them.

Examples include:

Urban Design 
Department of Chemistry 
Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Engineering 
Molecular & Cell Biology 
Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies 
Charles & Louise Travers Department of Political Studies 
Forestry & Natural Resources 
Information and Data Science

Non-academic departments, programs, and units 

Non-academic departments, programs and units are aligned with a single division or office. They exist as a further extension of the division or office that contains them. 

Examples include:

Human Resources 
Information Technology 
Office of Sustainability 
Gender Equity Resource Center 
Multicultural Education Program 
American Cultures 
Ombuds for Students and Postdoctoral Candidates 
Berkeley Study Abroad 
Center for Teaching & Learning
Intercollegiate Athletics 
Budget & Finance 
Campus Shared Services 
Supply Chain Management 
Communications & Public Affairs
Undergraduate Admissions 
Office of the Registrar 
Bioscience and Natural Resources Library 

Sub-brand lockup

Sub-brand lockups feature an optional "endorser line," which indicates the unit's affiliation with its parent unit. 

This image shows two examples of the UC Berkeley logo lockup style for sub-brands

Units with longer names have the option of using a two-line version of the sub-brand lockup. This version of the lockup should used sparingly — only in cases where space is limited. 

This image shows two examples of the UC Berkeley logo lockup style for sub-brands

Named schools

Named schools can utilize one of three lockup styles:

  • Sub-brand lockup with donor name listed in the entity line and the unit name listed in the endorser line
  • Sub-brand lockup with unit name listed in the entity line and the donor name listed in the endorser line
  • Formal lockup with donor name and unit name integrated 

This image shows the three options for creating UC Berkeley logo lockup style for named schools

Collaborations and partnerships 

Collaborations and partnerships enhance the university’s reputation while elevating its reach. They’re not tied to one specific primary sub-brand or secondary unit. Instead, they have their own equity and distinct missions, and can focus on a slightly different audience. Collaborations and partnerships can exist between internal entities, between campuses, or with external partners.  For legibility and simplicity, the University of California endorser line does not appear in internal interdisciplinary lockups. External partners and multi-campus collaborations must use the full Berkeley logo, including the endorser line.

Centers, institutes, programs, and interdisciplinary units 

This image shows two examples of logo lockups for campus centers and institutes

Examples include:

Berkeley Food Institute 
UC Berkeley Cancer Research Laboratory 
Center for Race and Gender 
Center for the Study of Sexual Culture 
The Center for Child and Youth Policy 
Center for Environmental Design
Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership 
Center for Responsible Business 
Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation 
Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity 
Center on Civility & Democratic Engagement 
Blum Center for Developing Economies 
Bakar Fellows Program
Institute of International Studies 
Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance 
Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society

Auxiliary units

Auxiliary units are external and multi-campus affiliations that promote the world-class reputation of the university with a broader reach. These affiliations may have their own equity and unique audiences outside the university. 

This image shows two examples of the UC Berkeley logo lockup style for auxiliary units

Examples include: 

California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences 
Joint BioEnergy Institute 
Berkeley Population Center 
Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy
Institute of Personality & Social Research 
The Lawrence Hall of Science 
The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life 
Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology 
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

Co-branded interdisciplinary collaborations

Rather than having two or more lockups next to each other, partnerships of two or more internal departments or units may use this hybrid lockup structure. This reduces redundant lockups and simplifies the visual representation. 

This image shows two examples of UC Berkeley logo lockups intended co-branding between multiple campus departments


Logo lockups can be used in one of four color combinations.

One-color lockup options are as follows:

  • Berkeley Blue on white
  • White on Berkeley Blue
  • Berkeley Blue on California Gold

For situations where you need a two-color lockup, the Berkeley wordmark should be set in California Gold with the unit name in white on a background of Berkeley Blue. 

This image shows UC Berkeley logo lockups in the four approved color combinations