First step of any project
Whether you are asked to create an email newsletter, design a poster or set up a web page, ask the requester to fill out a creative brief. Not only will it give your project a consistent voice and strong message, but it will also help everyone involved agree on clear goals and guidelines.
Elements of a creative brief:
- Medium of communication – Is it an email, a poster, a web page, an event?
- Key audience – Students? Parents? Choose one.
- Key message – The elevator pitch, really.
- Proof points – 2 or 3 points that help support the elevator pitch
- Call to action – What do you want the recipient to do? Click a link? Make a call? Donate?
- Additional considerations – Any production specifications? Budget? Deadline?
- Strength – Conviction? Excellence? Scale? Diversity? Choose one strength that the communication can be based on.
- Tone – Choose 2 or 3 tones from the selection of 8
- Visual spectrum – Formal or casual? Subtle or bold? What do you want it to look like?

Downloadable creative brief
For Digital