Brand essentials toolkit

Primary logos, marks and unit lockups

Primary university logos and marks should only be used in select cases and with permission. UC Berkeley units and departments should use a unit lockup.

Primary university logo, university seal & athletics marks

Use of the primary university logo and university seal is only granted in limited instances, with permission from the Office of Business Contracts & Brand Protection. UC Berkeley students are prohibited from using official campus branding.

Request access to primary marks

UC Berkeley College of Letters & Science

Unit or department logo lockups

In most instances, UC Berkeley units and departments should use a logo lockup. All lockups must be produced by the Office of Communications & Public Affairs. To request a set of logo lockups, please complete the form below. You will receive a package of all applicable lockup style variations, in all five colorways, in a variety of file formats including png, svg, eps, and pdf.

Request a logo lockup

Secondary brand assets

Use of the B monogram is subject to brand guidelines as defined in the visual identity section of this website. The mark should never be used in a way that infers it is our primary logo and should never be locked up with the primary UC Berkeley logo or used in place of it.


B monogram

Walking bear
CalNet Required

Walking Bear

Graphic elements


Cropped ribbon 1

Cropped ribbon 2

Cropped ribbon 3

Cropped seal


Cal Day

Cal Day logo



Color palette

Full color palette (PDF)

Color palette accessibility guide (PDF)

Berkeley color examples

Adobe swatches (RGB)

Berkeley color examples

Adobe swatches (CMYK)