Creative platform & messaging

Our creative platform

The creative platform is an emotional translation of the positioning — condensing all its important points into a phrase with personality. This is not a tagline or a headline, but a starting point to inspire the look, feel and tone of communications.

Reach further

“Reach further” is comparative. Lots of universities have “reach.” Only UC Berkeley has the depth of talent, diversity of skills and deep-seated drive to do things that continually change the world. We reach further. When we “reach further” than others, we must constantly reimagine what’s possible — and go beyond what anyone else has done before. That means we must have attitude: impatience that comes with a willingness to challenge convention. The combination of those qualities is how we shape the future — which is more than evident in the results, successes and breakthroughs constantly occurring on our campus and throughout our alumni community

Using the creative platform

To gut check voice

Does the tone of what you’re writing capture the spirit of “Reach Further”? Does it sound like the personality of someone who embodies the idea?

To stay on message

Move beyond facts whenever possible. By addressing the motivation behind our successes, we can create a more emotional tie with the audience.

Messaging pillars

These are four key strengths that differentiate UC Berkeley from other universities.

As communicators, we must choose which stories to elevate and which ones to leave at the water cooler. The following are filters that you can use when you choose stories whose collective impact is showcasing the myriad ways in which UC Berkeley is “reaching further”:


You can reach further with conviction. Connect your message to an unwavering belief, cause or higher calling.


You can reach further with excellence. Share stories about individual or collective achievements that outshine anything attempted before.


You can reach further with scale. Demonstrate the impact of UC Berkeley’s efforts to improve the world around us or significantly change an individual’s life.


You can reach further with diversity. Show the unique ways in which UC Berkeley connects disciplines, projects and people to create new paradigms that can transform the world.

Our personality

Every brand has a personality. Our personality shapes the voice and tone of our brand and helps bring UC Berkeley to life.

While our strengths help guide content choices, our tone creates consistency in how that content is delivered. Keep these words in mind when creating communications to maintain a distinct tone of voice and ensure the UC Berkeley personality shines through.





Socially conscious




Expressing tone

Use 2 or 3 of these tones in each communication, depending on the message content and the audience. For example, a news article on social entrepreneurship from the Haas School of Business may use an influential, independent and socially conscious tone, while a direct mailer to prospective students from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions may be curious and intense.